- 홈페이지 노출 키워드: 주요고객 - DAEGUN TECH


Daegun Tech places the highest value on its commitments to customers.
Major Clients

We hold our promises to customers and high quality as our top values.

Hanwha Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • Supplies all cables for chip mounters and industrial equipment.
  • Manages the entire production process for Hanwha chip mounter and screen printer series.

DN Solutions

  • Control boxes for turning centers, machining centers, and multi-tasking machines.
Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd.
  • Cable assemblies for T-50, KT-1, and KUH.
  • Development and production of exclusive test equipment for Surion.
Hanwha Aerospace Co., Ltd.
  • Cable assemblies for space launch vehicles.
  • Localization of PKX-B and KDX-III LOP BOX for the Korean Navy.

  • Cable assemblies for solar power inverters and UPS systems.